How Do I Order Employee Benefit Cards? (Bulk Order)

Discover how to order Employee Benefit Cards (11+ cards) by following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Order online" button on the top right corner
  3. Select "Bulk Order" (11+ cards)
  4. Download the .csv or .xlsx order template, fill in the required fields in the file and save the completed file to your device
  5. Upload the completed order template. The screen will analyse the file and it will display a message saying "Upload success". Once the file has been successfully uploaded, click the "Continue" button on the right side of the screen
  6. Create your CleverCards Business account filling in all the required fields. If you already have an account just click "Sign in" and login with your details.
  7. Once you have filled in all the all the "Applicant details" and "Business details", click in "Create Account & Continue to Payment"
  8. You will land on a screen that says "Account created", click the button that says "Go to CleverCards Account"
  9. Now you can choose to "Complete Payment" or "I'll do this later".

To set up an account to order Business Cards, please contact our sales team on +353 1 270 8448 or book a callback here.

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