How Do I Order Employee Benefits Cards From My Business Portal? (Bulk Order)

If you already have a CleverCards Business Account, you can order Employee Benefit Cards directly from your portal. To place a bulk order (11+ cards), follow these steps:

  1. Go to the CleverCards Business Portal
  2. Log in using your email address and secure password
  3. Navigate to the Employee Benefit Dashboard
  4. Click "Create Order" on the top right side of the screen
  5. Input your order details and click "Next"
  6. Select "File Upload”
  7. Download the .csv or .xlsx order template, fill in the required fields in the file and save the completed file to your device
  8. Upload the completed order template. Click "Next"
  9. In the next step, you can personalise the email your employees will receive with their CleverCard. You can edit the "Subject Line" or the "Email Header" (preview option available). Once you have decided this, click "Create"
  10. Select how you want to pay for your order:
    1. "Bank Transfer": Order will be showing as "Pending" until the payment is confirmed by our finance team. You'll be able to send the cards after
    2. "Card Payment: Your cards can be sent immediately.

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